Today we are going to translate for Portuguese the basic calculations in Mathematics .
Watch the following infographic .
Let’s make it easier and see how to call the signs for each mathematical operation:
Sum sign = sinal de soma or sinal de mais (+)
Minus sign = sinal de menos (-)
Multiplying sign = sinal de multiplicar (x)
Divide sign = sinal de dividir (:)
Equal sign = sinal de igual (=)
When we are making a calculation , for example 4+1=5, in words we say “quatro mais um é igual a cinco”.
Let’s apply the same logic but for subtraction: 4-1=3 (quatro menos um é igual a três ).
To multiply 4×1=4 we say “quatro vezes um é igual a quatro”.
Finally , to divide we use the expression “a dividir por”. 4:2=2 ( quatro a dividir por dois é igual a dois).
There are other useful expressions . For example , the expression “do the maths” in Portuguese is “fazer as contas”( to calculate and reach a result of a mathematical operation).
We can be more specific and say something like:
a) fazer uma conta de somar (to do a sum operation)
b) fazer uma conta de subtrair ( to do a minus operation)
c) fazer uma conta de multiplicar ( to multiply)
d) fazer uma conta de dividir ( to divide).
Let’s have a look in other mathematical expressions:
raiz quadrada de = square root of
por cento = per cent
Ao quadrado = squared
Ao cubo = cubed
Let me know if you have other expressions you would like to learn.